About Us
Company NIMAX is based in Belgrade, Serbia, and operates since 1991. Today, NIMAX is one of the largest and most successful Serbian companies in the lighting business, with great influence and significant market share, especially in the public sector, and with a strong presence in sizeable projects in the regional and worldwide emerging markets. Besides cooperation with most significant international producers of luminaries and lighting equipment, NIMAX acts as one of the largest dealer of Philips Lighting in the South East Europe with almost €60 million of purchased goods over a period of the dealership cooperation. NIMAX is also an exclusive partner of Valmont – worldwide leading manufacturer of high voltage, traffic, light, catenary, power and utility poles and high mast towers. Due to the nature of its business, NIMAX has leading role in the street lighting projects in Serbia and provides street lighting maintenance service to the City of Belgrade.
Besides excellently organized departments such as commercial, financial, import – export, logistic, etc, Nimax Company has very successful project design department, which gathered all specialized professional profiles – from electrical engineers to architectural professionals specializing in all areas of lightning industry.
Our Project Design Department serves our clients through a market segment approach, which encompasses residencies, office and industrial facilities, retails facilities, hospitality facilities, entertainment, street decorative lighting for cities, towns, and residences and many others. For these segments we provide a wide range of offerings from across the entire lighting value chain – from light sources, luminaires, to lighting solutions and services for interior, exterior, decorative, sports, landscaping lighting, external building decorative lighting, street decorative lighting for cities, towns and residences, sports and industrial facilities and many others. We have been involved in creation of monumental buildings such as: shopping malls, hypermarkets, business center, residences, hotels, apartment villages, etc).